Your Beard Looks Like…Murder

The Lovebirds 4 Pretzels The Lovebirds dropped on Netflix on Friday and I gotta say. It’s pretty cute. Issa Ray and Kumail Nanjiani play a couple on their way to a dinner party that they really don’t want to go to. The night gets even worse when they get carjacked by a guy who usesContinue reading “Your Beard Looks Like…Murder”

Celebrivision! It’s just ok,

Celebrity Watch Party 3 Mediocre Pretzels What’s more fun than watching celebrities watch TV? So many things! But we’re in the midst of a pandemic and new entertainment is new entertainment so here we are. This is a long way of saying that there’s a new show called Celebrity Watch Party that features relatively famousContinue reading “Celebrivision! It’s just ok,”

At the Water’s Edge: A Review

2 Pretzels At the Water’s Edge, Sara Gruen Hey, Fort Smithians, Smoky Lynx here, and I have the most unimportant news ever. I read a book about privileged rich kids and, boy, was it only mildly entertaining. While the book opens with a scene set in Scotland, a woman who has just lost her child gettingContinue reading “At the Water’s Edge: A Review”

Drag Race Eleganza: S12, E11

4 Pretzels. You guys, we’re nearing the end of, dare I say it, my favorite season of Drag Race ever. Per usual, this week’s episode was super fun. Let’s get into it, shall we? The Aftermath Halleloo! No one went home. Everyone seems genuinely happy to remain a top six. I mean, Gigi had aContinue reading “Drag Race Eleganza: S12, E11”

Terry Gross Dunks On People. That’s Who She Is.

The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon 4 Murderous Pretzels You know that famous actor Randy Beslow? Of course you don’t. You would if that swaggering douche canoe Kevin Bacon hadn’t swept in and stolen the lead role in Footloose away from him. The bastard even stole his signature white tank top. Bacon became a starContinue reading “Terry Gross Dunks On People. That’s Who She Is.”

My Brain is Barren Wasteland

Lookie here, a few weeks ago, I started a new job that is 1000% centered around numbers. Now, I didn’t go to school for math, so it’s taking every last bit of my brain power. The result is, I’m not reading as much as I did when I was on full blown lock down. I’mContinue reading “My Brain is Barren Wasteland”

Drag Race Eleganza: S12,E10

4 Pretzels. Guess who’s back in the house? Michelle Visage. She’s back, back, back again. So, this week’s episode was super fan super fun. Let’s get into it, shall we? The Aftermath Last week’s elimination was a tough one. Our Widow Von’Du went home, and, honestly, I think she sent herself packin’. She got inContinue reading “Drag Race Eleganza: S12,E10”

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